Article updated on 04.12.2024 - see below.
Breakdancing has the Version 2.2 (Beta) published. As always with a beta version, it is only available via the customer portal and must be installed manually.
The highlight - the new Term Loop Builder
With the new Term Loop Builder, individual layouts can be filtered according to taxonomies (categories, tags, product categories, etc.) and displayed in a list, grid or slider.
Also new:
- New data points for dynamic display in global blocks
- Loop elements to display a specific global block when the query is empty
- Performance improvements to the Builder (caching for design sets in the Design Library)
- Some bugfixes from V2.1
You can find Breakdance's official contribution to V2.2 here here.
Update from 03.12.2024: Breakdance released V2.2
As little has changed since the beta version, there is nothing further to report.
You can find the official contribution from Breakdance here.